Sunday, September 2, 2007


DUNZO is a slang word for done/finshed. It was made famous by the Laguna Beach cast which I do loove to watch at MTV. Honestly, it is sad that the first term will be ending sooner. We have already stable some friendships and yet it is so hard to say goodbye because of this. *sigh* Anyway, this is my finale posted journal for my requirement in VALUES. I've been doing this for the past 3 months and I enjoyed doing it. =) The entry is about PEER PRESSURE. You would experience peer pressure everywhere. Even you don't like to do it, sometimes you are force to do it. For instance in an exam. Last year when I was still in HS. I was tempted to cheat in the exam. Eventhough I don't like what I've done I am forced because I really don't understand the topic. At the end my exam was still FAILED. I am thinking that maybe that was a "karma". I really regret doing that thing because knowing the fact that it is BAD. Afterwards, we have this confession in school and i ask the forgiveness of the Almighty Father because I've done that sinful work. I realized that I should had not done that and never do it again. LESSONS LEARNED. =)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

All These Things That I've Done

I entitled this blog "All These Things That I've Done" because there are certain things which you considered MISTAKES that you cannot bring back. Honesty is such a profound word which is sometimes too hard to do. Believe me or not I do made mistakes that I tend to forgot sort of things which involves HONESTY. Sometimes it is to hard to do obey this virtue and consider your LOYALTY dealing with HONESTY. Anyway, this week the challenge that was given to me by my professor is about HONESTY, to challenge myself being honest in everything that I do. One of the things which we almost denied is admitting our own mistakes. We often tried to play this so-called BLAME GAME, blaming other people with your own faults. Do not hate me for doing this but I cannot deny that sometimes I deal with it. I believe everyone had experienced being blame. There is a reason over this. Everything has its own reason and we cant escape to that fact. Maybe one of these reasons is because you wanted to protect someone and sometimes you just accept that you should be the one to BLAME even if its not your own fault. Moving on, there is this problem that I'd encountered just recently. I lied to my mom of these what I called "gala stuffs". I told my mom that we are going to do a certain presentation in one of my classes. But that day was really planned that we will be going to the mall to spend the very special day of my friend. So, I have to lie. I have my own reasons why I done that. First, my mom will never let me go out with my friends for that reason because that is always my reasons but that is the truth maybe because we always go out and bond together. Crucial Right??? Haha. Second, my mom will not give me "baon" and I need it badly. I almost spent all my money with eating stuffs after my b-day. So that time I am left with almost a zero account. So moving on with the story, I left the house and enjoyed the rest of the day with my friends. We are so happy that I tend to forgot the time so I went home late. My mom was really mad at me. After an hour, I admit to my mom that I lied. And now I have to face the consequences, I was asked to do my laundry and some "katulong stuffs" at house. Moral lesson: Be honest and do not lie. *sigh*

Monday, August 6, 2007

HOW soon is NOW?

Having a balanced diet is easy as everyone plans of this. Adults frequently tell us to watch our diets while others do not. Well as a teenager person going to a serious stage of my life. Heath really matters. We should be taking care our health right now. As much as possible, we should watch our eating habits. Do not let the FAULTS of today hinder you to be someone tomorrow. No one ever knows when our life will end and definitely the causes of this. Discipline ourselves from this day on. Eat what is best for you by eating the right kind of food. Don't be such a bitch to be an addict of this temptations involving drugs, alcohols, etc... Everybody wants to be HEALTHY. It is our WEALTH. Learn from the mistakes of others. Be that SOMEONE you want to be and do not be influenced with persons who just want to ruin your future and even your life. Think FIRST before doing a certain ACTION. It is not late yet. You could CHANGE.


Many people nowadays are addicted on this influencial stuffs like alcohol, drugs, cigarettes etc... I will NEVER try to try something like that because I know that somehow I could make a DIFFERENCE. I can serve to be a GOOD EXAMPLE for each and everyone. If we do not took care of our health now, when??? It is time to act and STOP from abusing your health.

Take it as a CHALLENGE

Many of us take challenges for granted for sometimes they think that challenges are just problems. For me it is NOT. I really exert effort and every challenge that I encounter.


Right now, finishing my studies is a very big challenge for me because we are now talking of my future and I should do best. But I think the biggest challenge to me right now is to do BEST in everything that I do.


I think right now I am doing absolutely....GREAT! My Quizess are higher and they are PASSING. That is everybody wants and I do LOOOOVE doing it.


I realize that you can learn aLOOOOT on your mistakes. I think the only thing that matters if you want to achieve those things that you want is by STRIVING really hard to be THE BEST. SDo not be afraid. You can show it. BEAT that CHALLENGE and LOOOVE and ENJOOOY beating it. And ofcourse do not forget to seek some help and guidance with the ALMIGHTY FATHER. Tighten your FAITH to the highest.

REVIEW: An Inconvinient Truth

The class of A72 in Values 011 are required to watch this movie. I had watched the movie myself and I found it shocking and alarming.


I think the most striking scene in the movie for me is when AlGore which is the man in the movie present those slides that exposes the problem which is Global Warming. It present the alarming and shoicking details of this global problem. It opened the mind of the people on this issue to further have a knowledge on this and finally think of a way to solve it.


I was shocked honestly. Before I dont think this thing is very crucial. But now, I believe we should do a certain move. Even me I could help simply by helping save the environment.


In this part I think each and everyone should solve this very alarming and crucial problem. If not now, when will be doing a certain move. Don't wait for there would come a time that it is already too late. You can make a difference. Start now. Let us help one another.


This problem is very alarming that I to myself should also make a certain move on this even in my own little ways. I would be very cooperative to the government that help save the environment. I will strictly obey rules and be a model to each and everyone. Not only in our house but also at school and in the community. I will be following some precautiuonary measures on Global Warming so that I could help solve this problem.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Be theBEST

I believe that everything that you make today will grow in the future. Everyone are facing things that sometimes we think we can't do it. Honestly, sometimes I didn't exert my whole force in doing a certain work. Maybe I should change that attitude....not MAYBE do IT!!!! Gladly, right now I am happy with the things I am recieving. Sometimes I am shocked for some things came unexpectedly. Moving on, I entitled this blog entry Be theBEST because this blog answers the most challenging thing I have ever accomplished. I am a very shy person before I entered this certain contest. I believe this competition helped me gain my SELF CONFIDENCE. There is this every year convention were different schools attend to the said event. I became one of the delegate of my school in HS which is LETRAN. In this 5 day convention, there are lots of workshops, activities, fun games and the most awaited varieties of competitions where each school will participate. Children's Museum and Library Incorporated is the name of the convention held every year in Baguio City. Every year there are 40 schools who participate in the convention and there is this competition namely the TALENT VARIETY SHOW. Our school has reigned this competition for 4 years and we are claimed to be UNDEFEATED. When I was in Third Year we have to defeat our crown. The competition is about Sabayang Pagbigkas. I am challenge with this knowing that I have a talent. Everbody wants me to take this oppurtunity to audition and be in the delegates. I auditioned together with my classmates and fortunately got it and ranked 3rd. So what I should do know is moved to the next round. We are trained by the best trainer in Laguna which is Sir Etty. I have to make it good because all of my co-delegates are all good in this area. I am happy that my efforts are worth it for they complement a lot on my works. When it is the time to bring our talent to the event in Baguio, we are happy that we made it to the preliminaries then made it to the finals and fortunately claimed as the CHAMPION once again. We are very happy because we bring home the crown once again. It was the most challenging I've done because this improve me in many aspects.


I answer some of the questions that is frequently asked when talking about the GOLDEN RULE. The Golden Rule says "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE OTHERS DO UNTO YOU."

Given the following situations, how would I like to be treated by my teachers and schoolmates:

1. When I have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation?

  • Definitely, I would like them to tell the correct answer in a nice way.I would not like to be offended in front of everyone. Everybody makes mistake and so did I. No one is perfect. Better learn from your mistakes now than suffer at the end.

2. When I am expressing your opinion during class or group discussion?

  • They should listen and approve it afterwards if they like my idea. They could give suggestions and other stuffs if they want. It could be a lot better if we could share ideas.

3. When I commit mistake?

  • As I said earlier, everybody make mistakes and so did I. They should not laugh at me because I commit mistake. I'll take it as a lesson and I wish they could learn from that. They should correct me in a nice way. NO ONE IS PERFECT.

4. When I don't like doing what they want me to do?

  • They should respect my decision because I do know what is good for myself. I have a NAME that I have to protect and so as my PRINCIPLES in life. I dont like to do things which I did not enjoy doing it. RESPECT begets RESPECT and they should know that.

5. When they want to give me their suggestions and comments?

  • I would respect their comments and suggestions because that is their opinion. If that can make the group better then I should be in contrast with that. If we could share ideas equally maybe that is a lot better.

In what I would commit in terms of RESPECT dealing with the MCL community, I would be respecting them, because I kknow they would also RESPECT me too. I would just do what they are doing to me and the way they are treating me because I do believe in the GOLDEN RULE. "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE OTHERS DO UNTO YOU."