Wednesday, August 8, 2007

All These Things That I've Done

I entitled this blog "All These Things That I've Done" because there are certain things which you considered MISTAKES that you cannot bring back. Honesty is such a profound word which is sometimes too hard to do. Believe me or not I do made mistakes that I tend to forgot sort of things which involves HONESTY. Sometimes it is to hard to do obey this virtue and consider your LOYALTY dealing with HONESTY. Anyway, this week the challenge that was given to me by my professor is about HONESTY, to challenge myself being honest in everything that I do. One of the things which we almost denied is admitting our own mistakes. We often tried to play this so-called BLAME GAME, blaming other people with your own faults. Do not hate me for doing this but I cannot deny that sometimes I deal with it. I believe everyone had experienced being blame. There is a reason over this. Everything has its own reason and we cant escape to that fact. Maybe one of these reasons is because you wanted to protect someone and sometimes you just accept that you should be the one to BLAME even if its not your own fault. Moving on, there is this problem that I'd encountered just recently. I lied to my mom of these what I called "gala stuffs". I told my mom that we are going to do a certain presentation in one of my classes. But that day was really planned that we will be going to the mall to spend the very special day of my friend. So, I have to lie. I have my own reasons why I done that. First, my mom will never let me go out with my friends for that reason because that is always my reasons but that is the truth maybe because we always go out and bond together. Crucial Right??? Haha. Second, my mom will not give me "baon" and I need it badly. I almost spent all my money with eating stuffs after my b-day. So that time I am left with almost a zero account. So moving on with the story, I left the house and enjoyed the rest of the day with my friends. We are so happy that I tend to forgot the time so I went home late. My mom was really mad at me. After an hour, I admit to my mom that I lied. And now I have to face the consequences, I was asked to do my laundry and some "katulong stuffs" at house. Moral lesson: Be honest and do not lie. *sigh*

1 comment:

ruincute said...

the folowing are the champoys