Thursday, July 26, 2007

Values Means Power

Have you ever wonder why you achieve different things that really help you go through life? Just for example "SUCCESS". Everybody knows this word and I believe everyone wants to achieve this. When we have success we attain self fulfillment. You prove something that comes from yourself. It could be in work, in school, at home or even within the community. It is a thing that cannot be bought by anything. It is true right? Going back to my first question, did it ever flash in your mind that someday those achievements would really help you a lot to become the person you want to be? There is a possibility that it would come true and definitely you cannot do it just by being excellent. Ofcourse before you achieve those things, personal values means a lot. It is you power towards excellence. I believe you cannot achieve this excellence without having these personal values.

I listed some of my personal values that really helped me a lot on being the person I am now and probably a professional in the near future. I believe in the saying "GOD things FIRSTS". We are nothing without our Creator. FAITH is a personal value which for me is the most important, i believe everyone will agree, for without these I cannot do anything that I wanted to do. This value made me strong whenever I try to give up. This is my strength and my will in achieving my dreams. I value my FAMILY next to God because they serves as my inspiration and they are always there for me to help and support my needs. After that is FRIENDSHIP. I pick this to be my next because it really means to me. I believe that nobody can live in this world alone that's why I believe in "FRIENDS" because they are really there through UP's and DOWN's and THICK and THINS. SERVICE, it is a word that is hard to say and to do??? Why??? because sometimes it become so hard for us to serve other people. We only think for ourselves but haven't we thought that as we serve others, we bring hapiness to those who are in need? GOD gave us too many blessings and now we bring this all back to God by serving others. It is our responsibility to share it. SUCCESS is not possible without HARDWORK. Nothing is hard when we work hard. Hard things can become easy. Pressured with too much work??? Nothing can make it easier than to ENJOY it. Make enjoyment and hardwork possible and I assure you SUCCESS could be easily achieved. Everybody nees DISCIPLINE. I could say that people who have this value can easily get their goals achieved. If we don't have this probably we will wnd up being just another PPP, I think you know what I mean. LOL. Even rich people need this because if they will not practice this, how can they earn lots of money Enjoynment is okaay but too much of it is NOT. RESPECT for others is up next. I think this value should be included in the list because for you to be able to work well in your job or even just anywhere you go, to deal with different people, you should earn it because you need it. I know its hard to earn because it takes time but by simply being yourself and know how to deal with everyone well, you can easily earn it. If you know how to respect others you will be respected too. Good. We had listed seven and we needed three more left. So let it be, COMMITMENT. Why? because it is easier to say that you promise you will do but if you have the commitment to do that certain thing, you will o a great job. COMMITMENT to a work is a very important value that should be practice for without it everything will be going unfinished. JUSTICE is also an important value because without it everything will be sorrounded of a LIE and definitely after it you will be left ALONE. And the last would be EXCELLENCE, it is a virtue, it is something that should be practice and try to reach. But in every excellence you should not forget to thank GOD for giving you that. For if for not HIM you are nothing. You deserve it that's why GOD blessed you with that virtue.

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